Problem Statement:
There aren't many specific resources for creatives who are looking for a career change. There needs to be a way to create a bridge between the gap seamlessly.

In October, I was laid-off and invited to Adobe MAX. The great experience led me to UX Design. I was unaware how to start or who to talk to in the field. When I signed up for General Assembly UX Design part time class, I knew this journey would be involved in my project.
Competive Analysis:
Following my problem statement, continued to research other competitors websites. Compiled a grid of the comparisons, what works and what doesn't, reference sites such as LinkedIn, CalJobs, ZipRecruiter and Behance. Categorized the comparisons under easy UI (User Interface), job postings, forums, messaging and career info.
To gain more insight with the project, I set out to create two separate lists of questions to interview. Interviewed previous work colleagues who have been through a career transition and/or laid off.
Based on the interview results, personas were created to represent the type of user who would use the app. Two were compiled, Max as a mentor and Xochitl as a mentee.
User Flows:
User flows are made to create the journey through the app to match the end goal.
The two user flows for the app would be the mentor and mentee.  
Synthesizing Research
By collecting information with the personas and user flows, feature prioritization creates the primary
goal of the app. 2X2 matrix graph is created with Post-Its.
Site Map:
Rough sketch of the Maestro site map. A polished site map below created in OmniGraffle.
Main keyscreens such as onboarding, profile, account and gallery were annotated. These annotations are specific callouts for other parties suchs as developers and stakeholders.
Invision Protoype:
Check out my live Maestro prototype here.
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